Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

Your search returned 4395 results.

वरलक्ष्मीव्रत Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Varalakṣmīvrata
Title translated: Varalakshmivrata.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1675.

श्रीरामनवमीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Śrīrāmanavamīvratakalpa
Title translated: Shriramanavamivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1675.

प्रदोषव्रतोद्यापन Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Pradoṣavratodyāpana
Title translated: Pradoshavratodyapana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1675.

अमासोमवारव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Amāsomavāravratakalpa
Title translated: Amasomavaravratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1675.

सोमवारव्रतपूजा Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Somavāravratapūjā
Title translated: Somavaravratapuja.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1675.

शिवरात्रिव्रत Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Śivarātrivrata
Title translated: Shivaratrivrata.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1675.

चित्रगुप्तव्रतोद्यापनविधि Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Citraguptavratodyāpanavidhi
Title translated: Citraguptavratodyapanavidhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1695.

कृष्णजयन्तीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Kṛṣṇajayantīvratakalpa
Title translated: Krishnajayantivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1695.

लक्षवर्तिव्रतोद्यापन Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Lakṣavartivratodyāpana
Title translated: Lakshavativratodyapana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1695.

चित्रगुप्तव्रतोद्यापनविधि Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Citraguptavratodyāpanavidhi
Title translated: Citraguptavratodyapanavidhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1696.

उमामहेश्वरव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Umāmaheśvaravratakalpa
Title translated: Umamaheshvaravratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1696.

वरलक्ष्मीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Varalakṣmīvratakalpa
Title translated: Varalakshmivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1696.

सम्पद्गौरीव्रत Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Sampadgaurīvrata
Title translated: Sampadgaurivrata.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1696.

अमासोमवारव्रतोद्यापन Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Amāsomavāravratodyāpana
Title translated: Amasomavaravratodyapana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1696.

चतुर्थीव्रतोद्यापन Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Caturthīvratodyāpana
Title translated: Chaturthivratodyapana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1696.

ऋषिपञ्चमीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Ṛṣipañcamīvratakalpa
Title translated: Rishipanchamivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1696.

प्रदोषव्रतोद्यापन Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Pradoṣavratodyāpana
Title translated: Pradoshavratodyapana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1696.

मासशिवरात्रिव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Māsaśivarātrivratakalpa
Title translated: Masashivaratrivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1696.

षष्ठीव्रतोद्यापनविधि Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Ṣaṣṭhīvratodyāpanavidhi
Title translated: Shashthivratodyapanavidhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1696.

चतुर्थीव्रतोद्यापनविधि Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Caturthīvratodyāpanavidhi
Title translated: Chaturthivratodyapanavidhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1696.

अनन्तव्रतपूजाविधान Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Anantavratapūjāvidhāna
Title translated: Anantavratapujavidhana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1699.

अनन्तपद्मनाभव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Anantapadmanābhavratakalpa
Title translated: Anantapadmanabhavratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1699.

एकादशीव्रतोद्यापन Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Ekādaśīvratodyāpana
Title translated: Ekadashivratodyapana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1704.

प्रदोषव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Pradoṣavratakalpa
Title translated: Pradoshavratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1705.

ऋषिपञ्चमीव्रत Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Ṛṣipañcamīvrata
Title translated: Rishipanchamivrata.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1706.

शिवरात्रिव्रतोद्यापनविधि Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Śivarātrivratodyāpanavidhi
Title translated: Shivaratrivratodyapanavidhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1706.

चतुर्थीव्रतोद्यापन Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Caturthīvratodyāpana
Title translated: Chaturthivratodyapana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1707.

चतुर्थीव्रतोद्यापनविधि Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Caturthīvratodyāpanavidhi
Title translated: Chaturthivratodyapanavidhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1708.

स्वर्णगौरीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Svarṇagaurīvratakalpa
Title translated: Svarnagaurivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1708.

प्रदोषव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Pradoṣavratakalpa
Title translated: Pradoshavratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1708.

शिवरात्रिव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Śivarātrivratakalpa
Title translated: Shivaratrivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1708.

अमासोमवारव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Amāsomavāravratakalpa
Title translated: Amasomavaravratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1708.

प्रदोषव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Pradoṣavratakalpa
Title translated: Pradoshavratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1708.

सोमवारव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Somavāravratakalpa
Title translated: Somavaravratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1708.

ऋषिपञ्चमीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Ṛṣipañcamīvratakalpa
Title translated: Rishipanchamivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1708.

एकादशीव्रतोद्यापनविधि Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Ekādaśīvratodyāpanavidhi
Title translated: Ekadashivratodyapanavidhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1708.

शिवरात्रिव्रतोद्यापनविधि Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Śivarātrivratodyāpanavidhi
Title translated: Shivaratrivratodyapanavidhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1708.

सोमवारव्रतोद्यापनविधि Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Somavāravratodyāpanavidhi
Title translated: Somavaravratodyapanavidhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1709.

रुद्रैकादशिनीप्रयोग Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Rudraikādaśinīprayoga
Title translated: Rudraikadashiniprayoga.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1709.

रुद्रैकादशिनीप्रयोग Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Rudraikādaśinīprayoga
Title translated: Rudraikadashiniprayoga.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1710.

अष्टमीव्रतोद्यापनविधि Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Aṣṭamīvratodyāpanavidhi
Title translated: Ashtamivratodyapanavidhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1710.

शिवरात्रिव्रतोद्यापनविधि Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Śivarātrivratodyāpanavidhi
Title translated: Shivaratrivratodyapanavidhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1710.

अमासोमवारव्रतोद्यापनविधि Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Amāsomavāravratodyāpanavidhi
Title translated: Amasomavaravratodyapanavidhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1710.

वरलक्ष्मीव्रत Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Varalakṣmīvrata
Title translated: Varalakshmivrata.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1710.

उमामहेश्वरीव्रतोद्यापनविधि Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Umāmaheśvarīvratodyāpanavidhi
Title translated: Umamaheshvarivratodyapanavidhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1710.

ऋषिपञ्चमीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Ṛṣipañcamīvratakalpa
Title translated: Rishipanchamivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1714.

ऋषिपञ्चमीव्रतकथा Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Ṛṣipañcamīvratakathā
Title translated: Rishipanchamivratakatha.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1726.

कृष्णाष्टमीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Kṛṣṇāṣṭamīvratakalpa
Title translated: Krishnashtamivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1727.

दशाफलव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Daśāphalavratakalpa
Title translated: Dashaphalavratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1730.

गोकुलाष्टमीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Gokulāṣṭamīvratakalpa
Title translated: Gokulashtamivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1730.

वामनजयन्तीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Vāmanajayantīvratakalpa
Title translated: Vamanajayantivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1730.

श्रवणद्वादशीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Śravaṇadvādaśīvratakalpa
Title translated: Shravanadvadashivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1730.

अनन्तव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Anantavratakalpa
Title translated: Anantavratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1730.

वरलक्ष्मीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Varalakṣmīvratakalpa
Title translated: Varalakshmivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1730.

विनायकव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Vināyakavratakalpa
Title translated: Vinayakavratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1730.

केदारव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Kedāravratakalpa
Title translated: Kedaravratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1730.

ऋषिपञ्चमीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Ṛṣipañcamīvratakalpa
Title translated: Rishipanchamivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1730.

सोमवारव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Somavāravratakalpa
Title translated: Somavaravratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1730.

शिवरात्रिव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Śivarātrivratakalpa
Title translated: Shivaratrivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1730.

उमामहेश्वरव्रत Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Umāmaheśvaravrata
Title translated: Umamaheshvaravrata.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1748.

विनायकोव्रतोद्यापनविधि Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Vināyakovratodyāpanavidhi
Title translated: Vinayakovratodyapanavidhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1748.

अनन्तव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Anantavratakalpa
Title translated: Anantavratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1875.

ऋषिपञ्चमीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Ṛṣipañcamīvratakalpa
Title translated: Rishipanchamivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1876.

तृतीयाव्रतकथा Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Tṛtīyāvratakathā
Title translated: Tritiyavratakatha.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1307.

विनायकव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Vināyakavratakalpa
Title translated: Vinayakavratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1878.

ऋषिपञ्चमीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Ṛṣipañcamīvratakalpa
Title translated: Rishipanchamivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1882.

वैतरणीव्रतोद्यापन Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Vaitaraṇīvratodyāpana
Title translated: Vaitaranivratodyapana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1316.

व्रतकल्पसमुच्चय Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Vratakalpasamuccaya
Title translated: Vratakalpasamuchchaya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1888.

शिवरात्रिव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Śivarātrivratakalpa
Title translated: Shivaratrivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1891.

वरलक्ष्मीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Varalakṣmīvratakalpa
Title translated: Varalakshmivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1898, 1899.

सोमवारव्रतोद्यापनविधि Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Somavāravratodyāpanavidhi
Title translated: Somavaravratodyapanavidhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1900.

श्रावणद्वादशीव्रतकथा Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Śrāvaṇadvādaśīvratakathā
Title translated: Shravanadvadashivratakatha.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1404.

हरितालिकाव्रत Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Haritālikavrata
Title translated: Haritalikavrata.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1404.

लक्षवर्तिव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Lakṣavativratakalpa
Title translated: Lakshavartivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1941.

लक्षदीपव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Lakṣadīpavratakalpa
Title translated: Lakshadipavratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1941.

व्रतोद्यापनकौमुदी Śaṅkara Bhaṭṭa by Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga | Sankara Bhatta
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Vratodyāpanakaumudī
Title translated: Vratodyapanakaumudi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1413.

व्रतोद्यापनकौमुदी Śaṅkara Bhaṭṭa by Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga | Sankara Bhatta
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Vratodyāpanakaumudī
Title translated: Vratodyapanakaumudi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1413.

बृहद्गौरीव्रत Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Bṛhadgaurīvrata
Title translated: Brihadgaurivrata.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1414.

दशाङ्गललिताव्रत Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Daśāṅgalalitāvrata
Title translated: Dashangalalitavrata.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1414.

गोत्रिरात्रिव्रतकथा Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Gotrirātrivratakathā
Title translated: Gotriratrivratakatha.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1430.

नागपञ्चमीव्रतकथा Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Nāgapañcamīvratakathā
Title translated: Nagapanchamivratakatha.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1431.

रघुनाथव्रतकल्प Vyāsa by Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga | Vyasa
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Ragunāthavratakalpa
Title translated: Raghunathavratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1439.

विनायकचतुर्थीव्रतक्रम Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Vināyakacaturthīvratakrama
Title translated: Vinayakachaturthivratakrama.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1950.

गोविन्दद्वादशिव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Govindadvādaśivratakalpa
Title translated: Govindadvadashivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1956.

गोविन्दद्वादशीविधि Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Govindadvādaśīvidhi
Title translated: Govindadvadashividhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1957.

हरितालिकाव्रतकथा Vyāsa by Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga | Vyasa
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Haritālikāvratakathā
Title translated: Haritalikavratakatha.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1462.

कुम्भीव्रतकथा Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Kumbhīvratakathā
Title translated: Kumbhivratakatha.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1470.

सौभाग्यसुन्दरीव्रतकथा Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Saubhāgyasundarīvratakathā
Title translated: Saubhagyasundarivratakatha.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1476.

विष्णुपञ्चकव्रत Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Viṣṇupañcakavrata
Title translated: Vishnupanchakavrata.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1980.

ऋषिपञ्चमीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Ṛṣipañcamīvratakalpa
Title translated: Rishipanchamivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1994.

अमासोमवारव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Amāsomavāravratakalpa
Title translated: Amasomavaravratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1996.

सम्पद्गौरीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Sampadgaurīvratakalpa
Title translated: Sampadgaurivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1996.

ऋषिपञ्चमीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Ṛṣipañcamīvratakalpa
Title translated: Rishipanchamivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR1997.

ऋषिपञ्चमीव्रतकथा Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Ṛṣipañcamīvratakathā
Title translated: rishipanchamivratakatha.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1531.

वरदचतुर्थीव्रत Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Varadacaturthīvrata
Title translated: Varadachaturthivrata.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1538.

श्रावणद्वादशीकथा Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Sanskrit
Publication details: Pune ; BORI
Other title:
  • Śrāvaṇadvādaśīkathā
Title translated: Shravanadvadashikatha.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: BIR1539.

रुद्रैकादशिनीप्रयोग Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Rudraikādaśinīprayoga
Title translated: Rudraikadashiniprayoga.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR2023.

सूर्यनारायणव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Sūryanārāyaṇavratakalpa
Title translated: Suryanarayanavratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR2035.

सूर्यचन्द्रव्रत Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Sūryacandravrata
Title translated: Suryachandravrata.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR2037.

वरलक्ष्मीव्रतकल्प Series: Fasts and feasts-Hinduism | Hinduism-Rituals | Vrata | Grhyaprayoga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Chennai ; GOML
Other title:
  • Varalakṣmīvratakalpa
Title translated: Varalakshmivratakalpa.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: GCR2069.


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