Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

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मुण्डकोपनिषत् Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Muṇḍakopaniṣat
Title translated: Mundakopanishat.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA677.

मुण्डकोपनिषत् Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Muṇḍakopaniṣat
Title translated: Mundakopanishat.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA677.

तैत्तरीयोपनिषत् Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Taittarīyopaniṣat
Title translated: Taittariyopanishat.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA677.

रामरहस्योपनिषत् Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Rāmarahasyopaniṣat
Title translated: Ramarahasyopanishat.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA678.

ऋक्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛksaṁhitā
Title translated: Riksamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA681.

ऐतरीयब्राह्मण Series: Brahmana | Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Aitarīyabrāhmaṇa
Title translated: Aitariyabrahmana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA681.

यजुस्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Yajussṁahitā
Title translated: Yajussamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA682.

ऋगनुक्रमणिका Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛganukramaṇikā
Title translated: Riganukramanika.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA682.

उपनिषत्सङ्ग्रह Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Upaniṣatsaṅgraha
Title translated: Upanishatsangraha.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA682.

चरणव्यूहभाष्य Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Caraṇavyūhabhāṣya
Title translated: Charanavyuhabhashya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA682.

ऋक्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛksaṁhitā
Title translated: Riksamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA682.

सर्वानुक्रमणिका Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Sarvānukramaṇikā
Title translated: Sarvanukramanika.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA682.

परिभाषाटीका Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Paribhāṣāṭīkā
Title translated: Paribhashatika.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA682.

श्रीसूक्तभाष्य Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedabhasya | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Śrīsūktabhāṣya
Title translated: Shrisuktabhashya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA682.

ऋग्संहितापदपाठ Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Padapatha | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛgsaṁhitāpadapāṭha
Title translated: Rigsamhitapadapatha.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA683.

परिभाषासर्वानुक्रमणिका Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Paribhāṣāsarvānukramaṇikā
Title translated: Paribhashasarvanukramanika.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA683.

जटालक्षण Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Jaṭālakṣaṇa
Title translated: Jatalakshana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA683.

ऋक्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛksaṁhitā
Title translated: Riksamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA683, 684.

समानसन्धि Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Samānasandhi
Title translated: Samanasandhi.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA684.

अवर्णिलक्षण Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Avarṇilakṣaṇa
Title translated: Avarnilakshana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA684.

समानव्याख्या Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Samānavyākhyā
Title translated: Samanavyakhya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA684.

विलङ्ग्यव्याख्या Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Vilaṅgyavyākhyā
Title translated: Vilangyavyakhya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA684.

अवर्णिव्याख्या Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Avarṇivyākhyā
Title translated: Avarnivyakhya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA684.

नारायणोपनिषत् Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Nārāyaṇopaniṣat
Title translated: Narayanopanishat.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA684.

रुद्राक्षीजाबालोपनिषद् Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Rudrākṣījābālopaniṣad
Title translated: Rudrakshijabalopanishad.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA684.

आर्षीयब्राह्मणव्याख्या Series: Brahmana | Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Ārṣīyabrāhmaṇavyākhyā
Title translated: Arshiyabrahmanavyakhya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA684.

छान्दोग्योपनिषद् Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Chāndogyopaniṣad
Title translated: Chandogyopanishad.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA684.

ऋग्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛgsaṁhitā
Title translated: Rigsamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA684, 685.

ऐतरीयब्राह्मण Series: Brahmana | Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Aitarīyabrāhmaṇa
Title translated: Aitariyabrahmana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA685, 686.

ऋग्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛgsaṁhitā
Title translated: Rigsamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA686.

ऋग्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛgsaṁhitā
Title translated: Rigsamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA686.

नारायणोपनिषद्दीपिका Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Nārāyaṇopaniṣaddīpikā
Title translated: Narayanopanishaddipika.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA686, 687.

चरणव्यूह Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Caraṇavyūha
Title translated: Charanavyuha.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA687.

महालिङ्गार्चन Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Mahāliṅgārcana
Title translated: Mahalingarchana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA687.

कपिलगीता Paraśivendra Sarasvatī by Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Gita | Parasivendra Sarasvati
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Kapilagītā
Title translated: Kapilagita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA687.

ऋग्भाष्य Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedabhasya | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛgbhāṣya
Title translated: Rigbhashya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA687.

रुद्रभाष्य Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedabhasya | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Rudrabhāṣya
Title translated: Rudrabhashya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA687.

स्वरोदयोपनिषद् Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Svarodayopaniṣad
Title translated: Svarodayopanishad.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA687.

श्रीगुरुगीता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Gita
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Śrīgurugītā
Title translated: Shrigurugita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA687.

ऋग्भाष्य Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedabhasya | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛgbhāṣya
Title translated: Rigbhashya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA687, 688.

वेदार्थप्रकाश Sāyaṇācārya by Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Sayanacarya | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Vedārthaprakāśa
Title translated: Vedarthaprakasha.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA688.

कौषीतकीब्राह्मण Śaṅkarānanda by Series: Brahmana | Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedic literature | Sankarananda | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Kauṣītakībrāhmaṇa
Title translated: Kaushitakibrahmana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA688.

ऋग्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛgsaṁhitā
Title translated: Rigsamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA688.

ऋग्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛgsaṁhitā
Title translated: Rigsamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA688, 689.

यजुस्सहिंता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Yajussahiṁtā
Title translated: Yajussahimta.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA689.

बृहदारण्यकोपनिषत् Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Bṛhadāraṇyakopaniṣat
Title translated: Brihadaranyakopanishat.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA689.

तैत्तिरीयब्राह्मण Series: Brahmana | Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Taittirīyabrāhmaṇa
Title translated: Taittiriyabrahmana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA689.

ऋग्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛgsaṁhitā
Title translated: Rigsamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA689.

ऋग्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛgsaṁhitā
Title translated: Rigsamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA689, 690.

ऋग्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛgsaṁhitā
Title translated: Rigsamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA690.

ऐतरीयब्राह्मण Series: Brahmana | Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Aitarīyabrāhmaṇa
Title translated: Aitariyabrahmana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA690, 691.

ऋग्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛgsaṁhitā
Title translated: Rigsamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA691.

मन्त्रसंहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Mantrasaṁhitā
Title translated: Mantrasamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA691.

ऋक्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛksaṁhitā
Title translated: Riksamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA692.

तैत्तिरीयब्राह्मण Series: Brahmana | Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Taittirīyabrāhmaṇa
Title translated: Taittiriyabrahmana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA692.

ऐतरीयब्राह्मण Series: Brahmana | Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Aitarīyabrāhmaṇa
Title translated: Aitariyabrahmana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA692.

ऋक्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛksaṁhitā
Title translated: Riksamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA692.

ऋक्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛksaṁhitā
Title translated: Riksamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA692, 693.

सर्वानुक्रमणिका Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Sarvānukramaṇikā
Title translated: Sarvanukramanika.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA693.

ऋक्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛksaṁhitā
Title translated: Riksamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA693, 694.

उपनिषद्सङ्ग्रह Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Upaniṣadsaṅgraha
Title translated: Upanishadsangraha.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA694.

ऋक्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛksaṁhitā
Title translated: Riksamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA694.

ऋक्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛksaṁhitā
Title translated: Riksamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA694.

बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद् Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Bṛhadāraṇyakopaniṣad
Title translated: Brihadaranyakopanishad.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA694.

तैत्तिरीयोपनिषद् Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Taittirīyopaniṣad
Title translated: Taittiriyopanishad.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA694.

ऋक्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛksaṁhitā
Title translated: Riksamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA694, 695.

सामवेदभाष्य Sāyaṇācārya by Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedabhasya | Vedic literature | Sayanacarya | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Sāmavedabhāṣya
Title translated: Samavedabhashya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA695.

सामवेदीयछन्दोग्योपनिषद् Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Sāmavedīyachandogyopaniṣad
Title translated: Samavediyachandogyopanishad.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA695.

कैवल्योपनिषद्दीपिका Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Kaivalyopaniṣaddīpikā
Title translated: Kaivalyopanishaddipika.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA695.

प्रश्नोपनिषद् Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Praśnopaniṣad
Title translated: Prashnopanishad.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA695.

ऋक्संहिताभाष्य Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedabhasya | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛksaṁhitābhāṣya
Title translated: Riksamhitabhashya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA695.

सर्वानुक्रमणिकाभाष्य Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Sarvānukramaṇikābhāṣya
Title translated: Sarvanukramanikabhashya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA695, 696.

तैत्तिरीयोपनिषद् Series: Hinduism-sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Taittirīyopaniṣad
Title translated: Taittiriyopanishad.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA708.

कपिलगीता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Gita
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Kapilagītā
Title translated: Kapilagita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA709.

नमकचमकभाष्य Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Mantra | Samhita | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Namakacamakabhāṣya
Title translated: Namakachamakabhashya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA709.

गीतासमश्लोकी Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Gita
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: Mar Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Gītāsamaślokī
Title translated: Gitasamashloki.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA710.

तैत्तिरीयारण्यक Series: Aranyaka | Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Taittirīyāraṇyaka
Title translated: Taittiriyaranyaka.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA714.

मन्युसूक्त Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vaidikasukta | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Manyusūkta
Title translated: Manyusukta.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA720.

भगवद्गीता Vyāsa by Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Gita | Vyasa
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Bhagavadgītā
Title translated: Bhagavadgita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA730.

योगचूडामणि Series: Hinduism-Sacred Books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Yogacūḍāmaṇi
Title translated: Yogacudamani.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA735.

पवमानसूक्त Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vaidikasukta | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Pavamānasūkta
Title translated: Pavamanasukta.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA752.

ऋक्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛksaṁhitā
Title translated: Riksamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA752.

रुद्रभाष्य Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedabhasya | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Rudrabhāṣya
Title translated: Rudrabhashya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA752.

ऐतरीयब्राह्मण Series: Brahmana | Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Aitarīyabrāhmaṇa
Title translated: Aitariyabrahmana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA753.

यजुस्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Yajussaṁhitā
Title translated: Yajussamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA755.

कैवल्योपनिषद् Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Kaivalyopaniṣad
Title translated: Kaivalyopanishad.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA755.

उत्तरगीता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Gita
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Uttaragītā
Title translated: Uttaragita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA758.

तैत्तिरीयसंहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Taittirīyasaṁhitā
Title translated: Taittiriyasamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA763, 764.

महोपनिषत् Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Mahopaniṣat
Title translated: Mahopanishat.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA765.

कैवल्योपनिषत् Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Kaivalyopaniṣat
Title translated: Kaivalyopanishat.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA765.

अष्टविकृतिलक्षण Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Aṣṭavikṛtilakṣaṇa
Title translated: Ashtavikritilakshana.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA766.

शाकलऋक्सङ्ख्यानुक्रमणिका Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Śākalaṛksaṅkhyānukramaṇikā
Title translated: Shakalariksankhyanukramanika.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA766.

ऋक्पदपाठ Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Padapatha | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • ṛkpadapāṭha
Title translated: Rikpadapatha.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA766.

रुद्रभाष्य Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedabhasya | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Rudrabhāṣya
Title translated: Rudrabhashya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA767.

यजुरारण्यक Series: Aranyaka | Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Yajurāraṇyaka
Title translated: Yajuraranyaka.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA768, 769.

निविदाध्याय Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Vedalaksana | Vedaparisista | Vedic literature | Vedanga
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Nividādhyāya
Title translated: Nividadhyaya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA770.

पुरुषसूक्त Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Puruṣasūkta
Title translated: Purushasukta.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA770.

वर्णोपनिषत् Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Varṇopaniṣat
Title translated: Varnopanishat.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA770.

श्रुतिगीताव्याख्या Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Gita
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Śrutigītāvyākhyā
Title translated: Shrutigitavyakhya.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA774.

यजुस्संहिता Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Samhita | Vedic literature | Veda
Material type: Film Film; Format: microfilm ; Type of visual material: filmstrip ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: San
Publication details: Mysore ; ORI
Other title:
  • Yajussaṁhitā
Title translated: Yajussamhita.
Availability: Items available for loan: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (1)Call number: OIRA774.


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