पञ्चदशाक्षरीमन्त्र Pañcadaśākṣarīmantra = Panchadashaksharimantra - Chennai GOML - 2 Folios; l 11-12, w 25-35 7.5x2 1/8 - Palm Leaf - Chants(Hindu) Hindu mantras Mantra .


Begins on folios 15b - 16a, This mantra is supposed to have the power to confer prosperity on one and to male one into a sweet poet.- It is addressed to त्रिपुर सुन्दरी and consist of 15 Syllables, अस्य श्री पञ्चदशाक्षरीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दरीमहामन्त्रस्य , आनन

New Delhi

Sanskrit Grantha Grantha

Mantra ; Hindu mantras ; Chants(Hindu)

GCR / 2825