सुदर्शनकवच Sudarśanakavaca = Sudarshanakavacha - Chennai GOML - Folios 64b-65b; l 8, w 50-55 15 x 1.1/4 - Palm Leaf - Hindu hymns Prayer, Sanskrit Stotra .


, This Kavaca mantra is addessed to Viṣṇu's discus conceived as a deity and its repetition is considered to be efficacious securing protection to one, अस्य श्रीसूदर्शनकवचमन्त्रस्य अहिर्बुद्धिऋषिः अनुष्टुप् छन्दः। सुदर्शनो देवता ।।

New Delhi

Sanskrit Grantha Grantha

Stotra ; Hindu hymns ; Prayer, Sanskrit

GCR / 2824