हनूमत्कवच Hanūmatkavaca = Hanumatkavacha - Chennai GOML - Folios 60a-61a; l 8, w 50-55 15 x 1.1/4 - Palm Leaf - Hindu hymns Prayer, Sanskrit Stotra .


, Held to be specially efficacios in wiping off sin and in counteracting the evil consed by Various kinds of evil spirit as well as evil eggects of hostile mantra and tantras , अस्य श्रीहनूमत्कवचस्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य रामचन्द्रभगवान् ऋषिः। अनुष्टम् छन्दः। हनूमा

New Delhi

Sanskrit Grantha Grantha

Stotra ; Hindu hymns ; Prayer, Sanskrit

GCR / 2824