वासुदेवसहस्रनामस्तोत्र Vāsudevasahasranāmastotra = Vasudevasahasranamastotra - Chennai GOML - Folios 7a-14b; l 8, w 50-55 15 x 1.1/4 - Palm Leaf - Hindu hymns Prayer, Sanskrit Stotra .


, Gives 1000 enlogistic names of वासुदेव one of the maifestation of God among the our व्यू incarnatiions, महादेवः पुरा सत्ययुगेदेवि विशुद्घमतयोsमलोः। यजन्ते विष्णुयेवैकं ज्ञात्वा सर्वेश्वरेश्वरम् ।।

New Delhi

Sanskrit Grantha Grantha

Stotra ; Hindu hymns ; Prayer, Sanskrit

GCR / 2824