ऋग्वेदपदपाठ Ṛgvedapadapāṭha = Rigvedapadapatha - Chennai GOML - Folios 1a-37a; l 8, w 55-60 35.7x4.3 - Palm Leaf - Hinduism-Sacred books Padapatha Samhita Vedic literature Veda .


The Mss. begins in the middle of the 14th kvarvaof the adhyaya of 15th Astaka and ends with 8 Adhyaya of 2nd Astaka, च विद्वान र्क्धान या पूर्वक्षण विरुपा स्तातु च रथ प्रवित अराधिहोता स्वनिसत श्रृण्वत् ।।

New Delhi

Sanskrit Telugu Telugu

Veda ; Saṁhitā ; Padapāṭha ; Vedic literature ; Hinduism-Sacred books

GCR / 2791