TY - ADVS AU - TI - बिम्बदृष्टि U1 - GCR CY - Chennai KW - Darśana ; Vedānta ; Advaita Vedānta ; Philosophy, Advaita Vedānta N1 - Complete; रक्तक्षि संवत्सर भाद्र बहुल 2 scribe name गुरय्यपद्ध,Contains the meditatin that the supreme brahman is the only relity and that theJīva or Ātman is but only its relected image leads one to soluation, ब्रह्माण्डदेवालय .... माश्रयामः मत्प्राक्तनमहाभाष्य कल; MFL; New Delhi; IGNCA ER -