TY - ADVS TI - माघस्नानविधि U1 - GCR CY - Chennai KW - Gṛhyaprayoga ; Parvasnānavidhi ; Hinduism-rituals ; Worship(Hinduism) ; Hindu law N1 - Complete; Begins on Folios 7a, Deals with the details of the both on the fullmoon day in the month of magha in addition to this, this work contains hymns, माघमासेरटन्त्यापः किञ्चिदभ्युदिते रवौ । ब्रह्मघ्नं वा सुरुपं वा कं पतन्तं पुनीमहो ।।; MFL; New Delhi; IGNCA ER -