कृष्णयजुर्वेदब्राह्मणभाष्य Kṛṣṇayajurvedabrāhmaṇabhāṣya = Krishnayajurvedabrahmanabhashya - Chennai GOML - 27 Folios; l 7-9, w 60-62 41 x 3 - Palm Leaf - Brahmana Hinduism-Sacred books Vedic literature Veda .


Begins on folio 1a-27n, folios are broken and injured, 3rd Aṣṭaka in between, 5 Anuvākaḥ, 6 anuvāka, 7 Anuvākaḥ, 8 Anuvākahh of the acchition fron the 3 Pañcāśat only, श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः। पुरोडाश साधनाभ्यां पात्त्र्यांमुपस्तरण पुरोडाशस्य आतन्मकल्पणे मन्त्रम

New Delhi

Sanskrit Grantha Grantha

Veda ; Brāhmaṇa ; Vedic literature ; Hinduism-Sacred books

GCR / 2709