अनन्तव्रतकल्प Anantavratakalpa = Anantavratakalpa - Chennai GOML - Folios 108b-114b; l 8, w 40-45 14 x 1 1/2 - Palm Leaf - Fasts and feasts-Hinduism Hinduism-Rituals Vrata Grhyaprayoga .


It is observed on the 14th day of the bright lunar forth night of the Bhadrapada month, पुष्पाक्षतां गृहीत्वा । कृत् दर्भमयं देवं परिधान समन्वितम् । फलसप्तन्वितं देवं चतुर्बाहुर्द्निलोचनम् ।।

New Delhi

Sanskrit Telugu Telugu

Gṛhyaprayoga ; Vrata ; Hinduism-Rituals ; Fasts and feasts-Hinduism

GCR / 2707