TY - ADVS AU - TI - स्मृतिमुक्ताफल U1 - GCR CY - Chennai KW - Dharmaśāstra ; Smṛti ; Hindu-religion ; Hindu law N1 - Incomplete; Fair and old. Brgins on folio. 1a - 168, Contains upto Vidhavadharma and also breales in this portion. It deals with Varṇāśramadharma and gives the details o their Acāra, ..........कनिदानपदपास बे वीणावेणुशुकीशालीशलीनेमहसे नमः। वीणावेणुशुकीशालीशलीन्महसे नम; MFL; New Delhi; IGNCA ER -