चैत्यभक्ति Caityabhakti = Caityabhakti - Chennai GOML - Folios 5-8 13 1/4 x 1 1/2 - Palm Leaf - Jaina hymns Prayer, Sanskrit Stotra . Complete Begins on folios 28b, In ths work stanzas showing the supplicant's respect and veneration towards the jaina shrines, पावन्ति जिनचैत्यानि विद्यन्ते भुवनत्रये। तावान्ति सततं भक्तया त्रिः परीत्यनमाम्यहम् ।। MFL New Delhi IGNCA Sanskrit Kannada Kannaḍa Subjects--Uniform Titles: Stotra ; Jaina hymns ; Prayer, Sanskrit Dewey Class. No.: GCR / 2701