TY - ADVS TI - अध्यात्मरामायण U1 - GCR CY - Chennai KW - Itihāsa ; Rāmāyaṇa ; Epic poetry, Sanskrit N1 - Incomplete; Broken. Contains 16th Adhyayas of Yuddhakanda and Uttarakhanda, This is a portion of the brahmāṇdapurana and treats of the story of Rama as an incarnation of god, मार्कण्डेयादि मुनिभिः स्तूयमानं मुहुर्मुहुः। सर्वार्थगोचरज्ञान सरस्वत्या समन्वितम् ।।; MFL; New Delhi; IGNCA ER -