
कर्णामृत Karṇāmṛta = Karnamrita Līlāśuka - Pune BORI - Folios 163; L 10-11, W 32 10 4/5 x 5 - Paper - Anthologies Aphorisms and apothegms Proverbs, Sanskrit Subhasita Kavyasastra Lilasuka .

Complete श्रीरामं सीतयायुक्तं मुकुंदमौनिशेखरं। यज्वानं वाजपेयेन यज्ञेशं प्रणतोस्म्यहं।।

Handwriting bold, clear and legible but not uniform.- The Ms does not appears to be very old.-Original rec. no. 63

New Delhi

Sanskrit Devanagari Devanāgarī

Kāvyaśāstra ; Subhāṣita ; Anthologies ; Aphorisms and apothegms ; Proverbs, Sanskrit

BIR / 627