TY - ADVS TI - व्याकरणपरिभाषा U1 - BIR CY - Pune KW - Vyākaraṇa ; Pāṇinīya Vyākaraṇa ; Sanskrit language-Grammar N1 - Complete; ओंम अर्थवग्द्रहणे नानर्थकस्य । लक्षणप्रतिपदोक्तयोः प्रतिपदोक्तस्यैव ग्रहणं न तु लाक्षणिकस्य ।; Bold and legible writing, carefully ruled margins ; red strokes of punctuation Fairly accurate. The paribhashas occupy a little more than half the extent of the Ms. The ekakshari namamala follows at the end. Both works.-Original rec. no. 285; MFL; New Delhi; IGNCA ER -