गणरत्नमहोदधिसावचूरि Gaṇaratnamahodadhisāvacūri = Ganaratnamahodadhisavacuri - Pune BORI - Folios 29; L 5, W 40 10 1/4 x 4 1/2 - Paper - Paniniya Vyakarana Sanskrit language-Grammar Vyakarana .

Complete ओंम नमः सरस्वत्यै ।। वागदेवतायाः कमरेणवस्ते जयंति येषां मिपमात्रतोपि ।

Bold beautiful writing the text in the centre and the com. In an edxtremely minute hand all round the text. Margins carefully ruled in black square blanks in the center frequent use of red chalk.-Original rec. no. 261

New Delhi

Sanskrit Devanagari Devanāgarī

Vyākaraṇa ; Pāṇinīya Vyākaraṇa ; Sanskrit language-Grammar

BIR / 109