गणरत्नमहोदधि Gaṇaratnamahodadhi = Ganaratnamahodadhi - Pune BORI - Folios 138; L 13, W 54 13 x 8 - Paper - Paniniya Vyakarana Sanskrit language-Grammar Vyakarana .

Complete बन्धेन रचयामः । अथ गणानाह चवाहाहैवैवंनहिनवानोचनहिहै etc.

The copy was made by two distinet persous, the first writing the first 85 leaves in a careful hand, the latter, the remaining portion with a less careful and morerepid hand. Bold and generally corect writing,full however of many lacunae. Wants the portio.

New Delhi

Sanskrit Devanagari Devanāgarī

Vyākaraṇa ; Pāṇinīya Vyākaraṇa ; Sanskrit language-Grammar

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