कैवल्योपनिषद् Kaivalyopaniṣad = Kaivalyopanishad - PUNE BORI - Folios 7a-7b ; L 8, W 20-22 - Paper - Hinduism-Sacred books Philosophy, Hindu Upanisad Vedic literature Veda .

Complete सकृद्वाजपेदनेन ज्ञानमाप्नोति ।। संसारार्णवनाशनम्।। तस्माद्विदित्वैनं कैवल्यं फलमश्नुते ।।

Handwriting clear, legible and unifoem; borders ruled in double red lines; folios numbered in both margines; The mss. seems to have formed part of some other big Mss. as it begins on olios 7a which has the concluding portion of the Nārāyaṇopaniṣad; The Ms

New Delhi

Sanskrit Devanagari Devanāgarī

Veda ; Upaniṣad ; Vedic literature ; Philosophy, Hindu ; Hinduism-Sacred books

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