Book of the Kindered sayings (Sanyutta-Nikaya) or grouped suttas translated by Rhys Davids; edited by F.L. Woodward - London Pali Text Society 1979 - 5v. 22cm - Pali text society translation series no.7, 10, 13, 14, 16 .

Includes index

Contents: vol.1. Kindred sayings with verses (Sagatha-Vagga) (0-7100-0203-3) (1979) (xvi, 321p.) - vol.2. The Nidana book (Nidana-Vagga) (1982) (xvi, 205p.) - vol.3. (0-7100-8079-4) (1975) (xiv, 221p.) - vol.4. (0-7100-7513-8) (1980) (298p.) - vol.5. Maha-Vagga (0-7100-0268-8) (xxiv, 412p.)

Buddha and Buddhism
Aphorisms and Apothegms

294.3823 / BOO