Srautakosa encyclopaedia of vedic sacrificial ritual comprising the two complementary sections
- Poona Vaidika Samsodhana Mandala 1958
- 2v. 26cm
Includes index
Contents: vol.1. (1958) (537p.); v.1, pt 1 (2003) (536p.); vol.1, pt 2 (2005) (1211)- vol.2. pt.1. Agnistoma/ commplied by R.N. Dandekar (1973) (iv, 435p.), Library has 2 copies of (vol.2, pt.1); vol. 2, pt.2 Agnistoma and ekadasini by R. N. Dandekar (1982)(x, 437-894), Library has 2 copies of (v.2, pt.2); vol. 2, pt. 3 Other six forms of the some sacrifice by R. N. Dandekar (1995) (317)