TY - GEN ED - British Library TI - Varari Ragini [slides]: Prince and his lady sit on a mat holding pink flowers on a tiled terrace with pavilions and fountains: an empty landscape is beyond with a gold sun above U1 - BL-JC CY - London PB - British Library KW - Painting-Murshidabad (India)-1760 A.D KW - Mogul Painting KW - Ragamala Painting KW - Music-India KW - Raga, Varari N1 - IGNCA slides collection, cross reference, Miniatures in the India Office Library by Toby Falk and Mildred Archer (London1981) BL-JC 370 (31)(J36)31,p.199; Murshidabad, c1760; Johnson Album 36, nos. 1-36; Arranged according to Hanuman's system (see Appendix, p.320); Each picture inscribed on reverse with verses of Harivallabha's Hindi translation of the Sangita-darpana (see Appendix, p. 323); Gouache with gold, within borders of floral design: related designs on reverse; Miniatures and designs on reverse 320 by 215mm (approx.); page 393 by 290mm; Exhibited: British Empire Exhibition, 1924; Heath (1924), no. 39; Published: Randle (1941), 167-69; Ebeling (1973), 207, no. 85; Waldscmidt (1975), 544, no.45; Discussed: Shirreff in MSS.Eur. D500/3; Johnson Album 36, no.31; Reverse: a blue white dish and vase, with yellow marigold-like flowers inscribed with Harivallabha's Hindi verses, and the Persian identification ER -