Kedara Ragini [slides] Shiva's consort with a crescent moon resting on her forehead is seated offering flowers at a lingam shrine beneath a tree before a lotus pool British Library
- London British Library
- 1 Slide Col. ill 35mm.
- Johnson Collection from British Library .
IGNCA slides collection, cross reference, Indian Miniatures in the India Office Library by Toby Falk and Mildred Archer (London1981) BL-JC 350 (20) (J42) 20,p.172; Lucknow, c1780-82; Johnson Album 42, nos 1-36; Arranged according to Hanuman's system (see Appendix, p.320); Each picture inscribed in Persian with extracts from the Risalah-i ragamala of Thakur Das (see Appendix, p.320); Drawings with colouring and occasional use of gold; some drawings only coloured in brown: inner and outer border of blue enclosing a cream surround; sprinkled with gold; Page 325 by 220mm; Published: Ebeling (1973), 215, no.98: Waldschimdt (1975), 542, no.35; By Gobind Singh; Johnson Album 42, no.20; 225 by 141mm