TY - GEN ED - British Library TI - Nata Ragini [slides]: Party of acrobats have set up a tight-rope on which two girls walk towards one another; one is dressed as a sweeper to the feigned astonishment of the other who carries water-pots upon her head. Their companions beneath beat drums and express encouragement U1 - BL-JC CY - London PB - British Library KW - Painting-Lucknow(India)-1780-82 A.D KW - Lucknow painting KW - Ragamala painting KW - Music-India KW - Nata, Ragini KW - Acrobats KW - Mogul painting(Lucknow) KW - Oudh painting N1 - IGNCA slides collection, cross reference, Indian Miniatures in the India Office Library by Toby Falk and Mildred Archer (London1981) BL-JC 351 (37) (J44) 37,p.175; Lucknow, c1780-82; Johnson Album 44 nos 1-42; Arranged according to a Special system (see Appendix, p.322); Inscribed with identification and descriptions in Persian; Drawings with some watercolour; borders of dark blue sprinkled with gold; outer margins mottled red 250 by 172mm, including text panel; page 365 by 264mm; Published: Ebeling (1973), 214, no.96; Waldschmidt (1975), 542, no.36; Johnson Album 44, no.37; Note: The red inscription is missing, but the subject is identified in the contents list ER -