Arjuna killing Karna after his chariot wheel got stuck in the mud. Krsna is acting as a charioteer to Arjuna, and Salya to Karna, Brahma, Siva and Indra in the sky are coming to witness Karna's fate British Library
- London British Library
- 1 Slide, Col. ill 35mm.
- Persian Manuscripts Collection from British Library .
IGNCA slides collection, cross reference Miniatures from Persian Manuscripts in the British Library and the British Museum,p.132
Painting-Muradabad(INdia)-1761-3 A.D. Mogul painting Mahabharata, persian Nakib Khan Arjuna (Hindu mythology Karna(Hindu mythology) Chariots Brahma (Hindu deity) Siva (Hindu deity) Indra (Hindu deity) Battles in art