Warder, A.K.

Indian kavya literature A.K. Warder - Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1974 - 6v. 22cm

Includes index

Bibliography: p.749-764

Contents: vol.2. Origins and formation of the classical kavya (Rs.100) (1974) (393p.) - vol.3. Early medieval period : Sudraka to visakhadatta (Rs.65) (1977) (307p.) - vol.4. The ways of originality: bana to Damodragupta (Rs.175) (1983) (xii, 641p.) - vol.5. The bold style (Rs.300) (1988) (xii, 891p.) - vol.6. Art of storytelling (1992) (xiii, 852p.)

8120804358 (set)

Indic literature--History and criticism

India--Epic poetry

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