Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

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Material type: FilmFilmLanguage: Sanskrit Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | VedaPublication details: PUNE; BORIDescription: Folios 65; L 9, W 30; 8 x 4Other title:
  • Bṛhadāraṇyakopaniṣad
Title translated: BrihadaranyakopanishadSubject(s): DDC classification:
  • BIR
  • 18
Hand writing clear, legible and uniform ; slightly moth-eaten ; yellow pigment occasionally used for corrections ; the folios are numbered as follows : 1 - 15, 1 - 18, 4 - 35 the ms. Contains Adhyayas 5, 3 and 2
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ॐ खं ब्रह्म खं पुराणं वायुरं ह स्माह कौख्यायणीपुत्रे वेदार्थ ब्राह्मणा विदुर्वेदेनैनयद्वेतदितव्यं पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते fol (15a) इति बृहदारण्यके तृतीयोध्यायः fol (23a) (53a)


Hand writing clear, legible and uniform ; slightly moth-eaten ; yellow pigment occasionally used for corrections ; the folios are numbered as follows : 1 - 15, 1 - 18, 4 - 35 the ms. Contains Adhyayas 5, 3 and 2


New Delhi





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