Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

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Material type: FilmFilmLanguage: Sanskrit Series: Hinduism-Sacred books | Philosophy, Hindu | Upanisad | Vedic literature | VedaPublication details: PUNE; BORIDescription: 1 Folio; L 10, W 32Other title:
  • Cūlikopaniṣad
Title translated: CulikopanishadSubject(s): DDC classification:
  • BIR
  • 7
Separate parination for each upaniṣad.- The ms.contains in all 12 upaniṣad a list of which is given below:- (1) Cūlikopaniṣad (2) Prāṇāgnihotropaniṣad (3) Kṣurikopaniṣad (4) Maṇḍūkopaniṣad (5) Tejobindūpaniṣad (6) Brahmabindūpaniṣad (7) Amṛtabindūpaniṣad
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Item type Current library Call number Status Date due Barcode
Manuscript Series Manuscript Series Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts BIR7 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Available BI334


ब्रह्म ब्रह्मविधानं तु ये विदुर्ब्राह्मणादयः। ते लयं यान्ति तत्रैव लीना स्याद्ब्रह्मशायिने। लीना स्याद्ब्रह्मशायिन इति चूलिकोपनिषत्समाप्ता।।

Separate parination for each upaniṣad.- The ms.contains in all 12 upaniṣad a list of which is given below:- (1) Cūlikopaniṣad (2) Prāṇāgnihotropaniṣad (3) Kṣurikopaniṣad (4) Maṇḍūkopaniṣad (5) Tejobindūpaniṣad (6) Brahmabindūpaniṣad (7) Amṛtabindūpaniṣad


New Delhi





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