Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
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Complete works of srisankaracarya

Material type: ArticleArticlePublication details: Kerala Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit 2012Description: 5v. 29cmSubject(s): DDC classification:
  • 181.482092
  • COM
Contents: v.1(Bhasyas on brahmasutra and isa, kena, katha and prsna upanisads); v.2(Bhasyas on mundaka, mandukya, aitareya, taittiriya, chandogya and brhadaranyaka upanisads); v.3(Bhagavadgitabhasya, nrsimhapurvatapaniyopanisadbhasya, vivekacudamani, sanatsujatiyabhasya, upadesasahasria and visnusahasranamabhasya); v.4(Prapancasara and other thirty two works); v.5(Stotras on ganapati, subrahmanya, siva, visnu ec. and lalitatrisatistotrabhasyam)
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includes index

Contents: v.1(Bhasyas on brahmasutra and isa, kena, katha and prsna upanisads); v.2(Bhasyas on mundaka, mandukya, aitareya, taittiriya, chandogya and brhadaranyaka upanisads); v.3(Bhagavadgitabhasya, nrsimhapurvatapaniyopanisadbhasya, vivekacudamani, sanatsujatiyabhasya, upadesasahasria and visnusahasranamabhasya); v.4(Prapancasara and other thirty two works); v.5(Stotras on ganapati, subrahmanya, siva, visnu ec. and lalitatrisatistotrabhasyam)

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