Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

Minor anthologies of the Pali canon

Minor anthologies of the Pali canon translated by I.B. Horner, F.L. Woodward and H.S. Gehman - London Pali Text Society 1975 - 4v. ill. 22cm - Sacred books of buddhists v.31, 33 .

Volume 1are missing. Includes index

Contents: vol.2. Udana: verses of uplift and Itivuttaka: as it was said (1985) (xv, 208p.) - vol.3. Chronicle of Buddhas (Buddhavamsa) and Basket of conduct (0-7100-8213-4) (v.p.) - vol.4. Vimanavatthu: stories of Mansions (1974) (0-7100-7898-6) (v.p.)

Buddhism--Sacred books
Pali literature

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