Gandhian vision /
Aggarwal, Suman Khanna
Gandhian vision / Suman Khanna Aggarwal - Delhi : B.R. Pub. Corp., 1998. - xvii, 359p.; 22cm. - India 50 years of independence, 1947-97: status, growth & development .
Gandhi, -- Mahatma, -- 1869-1948.
India -- Politics and government -- 1947-
India -- Social conditions -- 1947-
954.035 / AGG
Gandhian vision / Suman Khanna Aggarwal - Delhi : B.R. Pub. Corp., 1998. - xvii, 359p.; 22cm. - India 50 years of independence, 1947-97: status, growth & development .
Gandhi, -- Mahatma, -- 1869-1948.
India -- Politics and government -- 1947-
India -- Social conditions -- 1947-
954.035 / AGG