Status of and barriers to school education in Chhattisgrah:
Ashok, Pankaj
Status of and barriers to school education in Chhattisgrah: study of Bastar and Sukma districts Ashok Pankaj, Susmita Mitra, Antora Borah - New Delhi; New education Group- foundation for innovation and research in education 2018 - 69p.; ill.; 30cm.
Education-Chhattisgarh (India)
Education-Aims and objectives
Education-Study and teaching
370.7 / STA
Status of and barriers to school education in Chhattisgrah: study of Bastar and Sukma districts Ashok Pankaj, Susmita Mitra, Antora Borah - New Delhi; New education Group- foundation for innovation and research in education 2018 - 69p.; ill.; 30cm.
Education-Chhattisgarh (India)
Education-Aims and objectives
Education-Study and teaching
370.7 / STA