Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog


प्राणप्रतिष्ठामन्त्र Prāṇapratiṣṭhāmantra = Pranapratishthamantra - Chennai GOML - Folios 160a-b; l 5, w 55 17 3/4x1.5 - Palm Leaf - Chants(Hindu) Hindu mantras Mantra .


, The repetition of this mantra is in ended to consecrate and pour life in to images and metallic plates with mystic diagrams etc, अस्य श्री प्राणप्रतिरामन्त्रास्य ब्रह्मविष्णुमहेश्वरऋषयः ऋग्यजुसामाथर्वाणि छन्दासि। प्राण शक्तिः परा देवता ।।

New Delhi

Sanskrit Telugu Telugu

Mantra ; Hindu mantras ; Chants(Hindu)

GCR / 2825
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