Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog


मालिनीमातृकान्यासमन्त्र Mālinīmātṛkānyāsamantra = Malinimatrikanyasamantra - Chennai GOML - 1 Folio; l 10, w 50-55 18.5 x 1.1/8 - Palm Leaf - Chants(Hindu) Hindu mantras Mantra .


This mantra consist of the letters of the alphabet compound with Anusuwara which are to be repated with the formula कीं हीं ऐं while touching certain parts of the body, अस्य श्री....दक्षिणामूर्ति ऋषिः अनुष्टप् छन्दः श्रीमालिनीमातृका देवता ऐं बीजं, स्वाहा

New Delhi

Sanskrit Telugu Telugu

Mantra ; Hindu mantras ; Chants(Hindu)

GCR / 2821
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