Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog


बोधायनप्रयोग Bodhāyanaprayoga = Bodhayanaprayoga - Chennai GOML - 39 Folios; l 6-8, w 28-30 25 x 3 - Palm Leaf - Domestic-rituals Grhyasutra Hinduism-rituals Kalpa Vedic literature Vedanga .


Begins on folios 1a - 39b some folios are broken and injured, (1) बोधायनप्रयोगे, (2) संकल्पः (3) अनुज्ञै.........।।, विशेषणविशिष्टायां शुभतिभौ मम धर्मपत्न्या सह विश्चिन्न औपासाग्नेः .... अशेषे .... ।।

New Delhi

Sanskrit Grantha Grantha

Vedāṅga ; Kalpa ; Gṛhyasūtra ; Domestic-rituals ; Vedic literature ; Hinduism-rituals

GCR / 2774
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