Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog


आञ्जनेयसहस्रनामावलि Āñjaneyasahasranāmāvali = Anjaneyasahasranamavali - Chennai GOML - Folios 46a-58b; l 9-11, w 30 20 x 2.8 - Palm Leaf - Biography Genealogy Namavali Stotra .


This form is used in the conduct of workship offered to Anjeneya the monkey hero of the Ramayana, हनुमते नमः। श्री प्रियाय नमः। वायवे नमः। वायुपुत्राय नमः। महाबलाय नमः ।।

New Delhi

Sanskrit Grantha Grantha

Stotra ; Nāmāvalī ; Biography ; Genealogy

GCR / 2758
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