Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog


नरपतनशान्ति Narapatanaśānti = Narapatanashanti - Chennai GOML - 2 Folios; l 9, w 50-55 14 x 1 1/2 - Palm Leaf - Hindu law Hinduism-rituals Santi Grhyaprayoga .


Begins on Folios 64b, ends on folios 65a, By accidently or in sleeping are falls upon another the santi to be performeed. It's taken from brahmapurana, निद्रावशो मनुष्यस्तु मनुष्योपरि चापतेत्। मासे तु मरणं ... ।।

New Delhi

Sanskrit Grantha Grantha

Gṛhyaprayoga ; Śānti ; Hinduism-rituals ; Hindu law

GCR / 2748
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