Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog


कृष्णयजुर्वेदब्राह्मण Kṛṣṇayajurvedabrāhmaṇa = Krishnayajurvedabrahmana - Chennai GOML - 122 Folios; l 6, w 70 Folio 2 and 4 missing 13.3/4 x 1 - Palm Leaf - Brahmana Hinduism-Sacred books Vedic literature Veda .


Injured, It is also called Parāyata and contains three Aṣṭakas know as Prathama Dvitiya and thitiya herein breats off in the 8 Praśana of the irst Aṣṭaka, हरिः ओम्। ब्रह्म सन्धतं तन्मे जिन्वतम्। क्षत्रं सन्धत्त तन्मे जिन्वतम्। इष सन्धत्तं तां मे जिन्वतम्

New Delhi

Sanskrit Grantha Grantha

Veda ; Brāhmaṇa ; Vedic literature ; Hinduism-Sacred books

GCR / 2711
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