Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog


नेमिनाथपञ्चक Nemināthapañcaka = Neminathapanchaka - Chennai GOML - 1 Folio; l 6, w 40 13.1/4 x 1.5 - Palm Leaf - Jaina hymns Prayer, Sanskrit Stotra .


Begins on folios 83a, Five stanzas in praise of Naminātha who is considered to be the twenty first Tirthaṅkara, स्तुतिः स्तोतुः साधोः कुशलपरिणामाय स तदा भवेन्मा वा स्तुव्यः फलमापि ततस्तस्य च सतः ।।

New Delhi

Sanskrit Kannada Kannaḍa

Stotra ; Jaina hymns ; Prayer, Sanskrit

GCR / 2701
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