Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog


ईशावास्योपनिषत् Īśāvāsyopaniṣat = Ishavasyopanishat - Chennai GOML - 3 Folios; l 7, w 75 14.5 x 1 - Palm Leaf - Hinduism-Sacred books Philosophy, Hindu Upanisad Vedic literature Veda .

Complete ममाभ्यधिकमित्राय नमो नारायणाय ते ।।

This is the commentary of Ānandatīrtha in the metrical form according to the Dvaita school of Vedānta as taught by him

New Delhi

Sanskrit Nandinagari Nandināgarī

Veda ; Upaniṣad ; Vedic literature ; Philosophy, Hindu ; Hinduism-Sacred books

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