Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog


सुगुणकुमारकथा Suguṇakumārakathā = Sugunakumarakatha - Pune BORI - Folios 5; L 13, W 36 10 1/8 x 4 - Paper - Katha Sanskrit, Jaina fiction Short stories Jaina .

Complete धर्माद् धनं धनत एव समस्तकामाः । कामेभ्य एव सुखमिद्रयजं समग्रं । कार्यार्थिना हि खलु कारणमेषणीयं धर्म्मो विधेय इति तत्त्वविदो वदंति ।।

Big quite legible uniform and very good handwriting.-Original rec. no. 839

New Delhi

Sanskrit Devanagari Devanāgarī

Jaina ; Kathā ; Short stories ; Sanskrit, Jaina fiction

BIR / 957
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