Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

मन्त्रब्राह्मण सामवेदस्य

मन्त्रब्राह्मण सामवेदस्य Mantrabrāhmaṇa Sāmavedasya = Mantrabrahmana Samavedasya - Pune BORI - Folios 19; L 10, W 40 10 X 4 1/2 - Paper - Hinduism-Sacred books Samhita Vedic literature Veda .


Country paper accents marked by red ink red chalk used leaves 3/14 slightly damaged at the left hand corner com-let.-Original rec. no. 480

New Delhi

Sanskrit Devanagari Devanāgarī

Veda ; Saṁhitā ; Vedic literature ; Hinduism-Sacred books

BIR / 266
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