Pillai Tiruccirrampala Innamutham
अपितानमणिमालै Apitānamaṇimālai = Apitanamanimalai Tiruccirrampala Innamutham Pillai - Chennai UVSL - 48 Folios - Palm Leaf - Nighantu Nirukta Vedic language-Etymology Vedic literature Tiruccirrampala Innamutham Pillai Vedanga .
Condition injured.- Appearance old.- A note on the top of the Mss written by a different hand states that the author of the work is one Tiruccirrampala Innamutam pillai. The work follows Tivakaram in its arrangement.- The stanzas are of Varied lengths.- T
New Delhi
Tamil Tamila Tamila
Vedāṅga ; Nirukta ; Nighaṇṭu ; Vedic language-Etymology ; Vedic literature
ULR / 141
अपितानमणिमालै Apitānamaṇimālai = Apitanamanimalai Tiruccirrampala Innamutham Pillai - Chennai UVSL - 48 Folios - Palm Leaf - Nighantu Nirukta Vedic language-Etymology Vedic literature Tiruccirrampala Innamutham Pillai Vedanga .
Condition injured.- Appearance old.- A note on the top of the Mss written by a different hand states that the author of the work is one Tiruccirrampala Innamutam pillai. The work follows Tivakaram in its arrangement.- The stanzas are of Varied lengths.- T
New Delhi
Tamil Tamila Tamila
Vedāṅga ; Nirukta ; Nighaṇṭu ; Vedic language-Etymology ; Vedic literature
ULR / 141