Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog


वैयाकरणसिद्धान्तरत्नाकर Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntaratnākara = Vaiyakaranasiddhantaratnakara - Pune BORI - Folios 596; L 13, W 35 10 x 4 1/2 - Paper - Paniniya Vyakarana Sanskrit language-Grammar Vyakarana .


The Ms. Has apparently been written by more than one hand. Parts of the Ms. Dealing with कृदन्त and तिडन्त sections are continuously paged, but other parts are not paged at all or show more than one system of pagination. And the attempts made to arange th

New Delhi

Sanskrit Devanagari Devanāgarī

Vyākaraṇa ; Pāṇinīya Vyākaraṇa ; Sanskrit language-Grammar

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