Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

अस़्सुफ़ह़ा (स़ह़ीफ़ा) फ़ी मारेफ़तिल्अत़ुरलाब

Bahā'Al-Dīn Al-'Āmilī

अस़्सुफ़ह़ा (स़ह़ीफ़ा) फ़ी मारेफ़तिल्अत़ुरलाब Al-Ṣūfaiḥah (Ṣaḥīfah) Fī Ma'rifat Al-Asturlāb = Al-Sufaihah (Sahifah) Fi Ma'rifat Al-Asturlab Bahā'Al-Dīn Al-'Āmilī - Tonk APRI - 12 Folios - Paper - Instruments Mathematics-India Baha'Al-Din Al-'Amili Mathematics .


Copied in 1247 A.H. a Seal of abdul haq dated 1289 A.H. wormeaten

New Delhi

Arabic Naskh Naskh

Mathematics ; Mathematics-India ; Instruments

AIR / 222
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