Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

अल बुरहान फी तौजीही मुताशाबिहिल कुरआन

Maḥmūd bin Ḥamzah al-Kirmānī

अल बुरहान फी तौजीही मुताशाबिहिल कुरआन Al- Burḥmān Fi Tawjiḥi Mutaśśaabih al-Quran = Al- Burhman Fi Tawjihi Mutassaabih al-Quran Maḥmūd bin Ḥamzah al-Kirmānī - Patna Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library - 52 Folios - Paper - Quran-readings Quran-recitations Mahmud bin Hamzah al-Kirmani Quranic Science .


An old and rare copy

New Delhi

Arabic Naskh Naskh

Quranic Science ; Quran-readings ; Quran-recitations

KLR / 25
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