Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

रफ़उल्बुहतान फ़ी रद्दे तम्बीहिल्इन्सान

रफ़उल्बुहतान फ़ी रद्दे तम्बीहिल्इन्सान Raf'Al- Buhtān Fī Radd-I Tambīh al-Insān = Raf'Al- Buhtan Fi Radd-I Tambih al-Insan - Mumbai Juma Masjid of Bombay trust - 13 Folios - Paper - Animals of the rivers Water animals Zoology .


Persian book by Moulavi Mohammed Moin Sahab is translated into Urdu

New Delhi

Urdu Urdu Urdū

Zoology ; Water animals ; Animals of the rivers

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