Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

भगवद्गीता पदयौजनासव्याख्यासहित

Rāmacandrananda Sarasvatī

भगवद्गीता पदयौजनासव्याख्यासहित Bhagavadgītā with the commentary called Padayojanā = Bhagavadgita Padayaujanasavyakhyasahita Rāmacandrananda Sarasvatī - Chennai GOML - 117 Folios - Palm Leaf - Bhagavadgita Hinduism-Sacred books Philosophy, Hindu Gita Ramacandrananda Sarasvati .


New Delhi

Sanskrit Telugu Telugu

Gītā ; Bhagavadgītā ; Philosophy, Hindu ; Hinduism-Sacred books

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