Critical study of Mahapurana of Pushpandanta
Shriyan, Ratna Nagesha
Critical study of Mahapurana of Pushpandanta Ratna Nagesha Shriyan - Ahmedabad Bhartiya Sanskrit Vidyamandira 1969 - viii, 348p. 24cm - Lalbhai Dalpatbhai sSeries no.26 .
Critical study of the Desya and rare words from Puspadanta's Mahapurana and his other Apabhramsa works, Includes index
Bibliography: p.325-333
Prakrit language--Word formation
491.32 / SHR
Critical study of Mahapurana of Pushpandanta Ratna Nagesha Shriyan - Ahmedabad Bhartiya Sanskrit Vidyamandira 1969 - viii, 348p. 24cm - Lalbhai Dalpatbhai sSeries no.26 .
Critical study of the Desya and rare words from Puspadanta's Mahapurana and his other Apabhramsa works, Includes index
Bibliography: p.325-333
Prakrit language--Word formation
491.32 / SHR