Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

Descriptive catalogue of the sanskrit manuscripts

Descriptive catalogue of the sanskrit manuscripts acquired for and deposited in the Sanskrit University Library (Sarasvati Bhavana), Varanasi during the years 1791-1950 compiled by Sanskrit University Library - Varanasi Sanskrit University Library 1960 - 12v. 27cm

Contents: vol.5. Stotra mss. (pt.2.) (1958) (320+-575p.+58p.+3p.) - vol.6. Tantra mss. (1960) (255p.42p.) - vol.10. Vyakarana mss. (1964) (241p.+18p.+2p.) - vol.11. Sahitya mss. (1964) (361p.+31p.+5p.) - vol.12. Jaina-Bhakti-Sampradaya-Ayurveda-Kamasastra-Silpakala-Sangita-Niti-Dhanurveda-Panji-Prasasti-Citra-Desibhasa Mss.(1965) (213p.+48p.) -vol.8(Nyaya-Vaisesika Mss.) (1962)(397p.+28p.+6p.)

Sanskrit Manuscript-Catalogue

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